# Gate API v4 v4.44.0

    Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. Select a language for code samples from the tabs above or the mobile navigation menu.

    Welcome to Gate.HK API. The APIv4 interface provides spot trading, including public interfaces to query market information, as well as private interfaces that require authentication to enable automated trading based on the API.

    # Access URL


    • Live trading: https://api.gatehk.com/api/v4

    # SDK

    Available SDK:

    Besides API examples, some SDK provides an additional demo application. The demo application is a relatively complete example demonstrating how to use the SDK. It can be built and run separately. Refer to corresponding repository for details.

    # Changelog



    • Initial release

    # General

    # Matching mechanism

    # Matching priority

    Gate.io Order matching follows Price Priority > Time priority principle.

    Suppose that the order book is as follows:

    Order Order time Ask/Selling price
    A 10:00 100
    B 10:00 102
    C 10:01 100

    If the current price of 10:02 pays 102, the final transaction order is: A, C, B

    # Order life cycle

    A valid order sent to the matching engine is immediately confirmed and executed with existing orders, with the executing result sent back to the client.

    If an order is fully executed, then it is closed. If any part of the order is not executed immediately, orders with TimeInForce set to IOC will be cancelled, while others will be appended to the price list, waiting for subsequent filling or being cancelled.

    # Data Center

    Gate.io data center is located in AWS Japan's ap-northeast-1 region.

    # API Overview

    API Classification Category Links Overview
    host + /api/v4/spot/* Spot Trading Including currency status, market information, order, transaction records and other functions

    # API

    # HTTP convention

    • All read endpoints use GET method. They accept only request parameters. No request body will be read.
    • DELETE methods remove resources(like orders), but not all removing operation using DELETE, as DELETEs don't read request body either. For complex removing operations, POST method is used with parameters filled in request body.
    • Updating is done using POST, PUT or PATCH method. Their parameters are either in body or request parameters for different endpoints. Refer to endpoint detail for how to send the request.
    • All endpoints return HTTP status code 2xx on success. 401 is returned on authentication failure. Other 4xx codes mean the request is malformed. 5xx means the server encounter some critical error on processing the request. Commit issues if 5xx is met.

    # Time

    All time related fields are unix timestamp in seconds if no extra note, but they may differ in formats(int64, number or string). Possible values like the following may be returned:

    • 1596531048
    • "1596531048"
    • 1596531048.285
    • "1596531048.285"

    The best way to handle time fields is parsing them as a number with decimal places. If higher precision is not needed, you can safely cast them to integer(or long). Our SDKs listed above has already taken proper deserialization to handle them

    # Pagination

    Pagination is achieved using one of the following method

    • page-limit
    • limit-offset

    In both method, limit limits the maximum number of records returned in one request. If no additional explanation, it defaults to 100 if not provided and its maximum value is limited to 1000.

    page starts from 1, mimicking common paging used in web pages. To iterate the whole list, use the same limit and increment page by 1 until the records' length is shorter than the limit

    offset starts from 0, behaving like common DB search. To iterate the whole list, increment offset by limit until the records' length is shorter than the limit.

    For example, if the total number of orders is 201. Using page-limit method, send request parameters like the following:

    1. page=1&limit=100
    2. page=2&limit=100
    3. page=3&limit=100

    Using limit-offset method, send request parameters like:

    1. limit=100&offset=0
    2. limit=100&offset=100
    3. limit=100&offset=200

    Some endpoints may return additional pagination metadata. If present, they are sent back through the response header. Take GET /spot/orders as an example, following headers will be returned

    • X-Pagination-Limit: request limit
    • X-Pagination-Offset: request offset
    • X-Pagination-Total: total record number satisfying the request

    # Frequency limit rule

    Markets Endpoints Limits Based On Include
    Spot Public endpoints 900r/s IP Order book, Candlesticks, trading pairs, etc.
    Private endpoints 900r/s API Key Trading history, fee rate, etc.
    Place orders 10r/s User ID and trading pair Placing(bulk) orders trade,etc.
    Cancel orders 5000r/s User ID Canceling(all) orders, etc.
    Wallet All endpoints 200r/s API Key Deposit and withdrawal history, transfer etc.
    Withdrawal Withdraw 1r/3s User ID Withdraw

    The rate limit is counted against each sub-account or main account.


    • The message limit sent to the server: unlimited.
    • Number of connections per IP: ≤ 300


    When repeatedly violating rate limits, it depends on

    • the request< burst rate, the request will have a delay.
    • the request> burst rate, the request will be declined.

    # Return Format

    All API responses are in JSON format, and users need to transform and extract data by themselves.

    The HTTP status code 2XX will be returned when all operations are successful. 401 indicates that there is a problem with the certification. Other 4xx status codes indicate that the request is invalid. If it is a 5xx error, the server has encountered an unknown serious error when processing the request. Please give feedback as soon as possible。

    Return Status

    Status Code Description
    200/201 Request succeeded
    202 Request accepted by the server, but processing is not done yet
    204 Request succeeded, but the server doesn't return body
    400 Invalid request
    401 Authentication failed
    404 Not Found
    5xx Server Error

    # Data Type

    Type Description
    string String type, in double quotation marks. Price and amount are also formatted in string format
    integer 32-bit integer,Mainly related to status codes, size, times, etc.
    integer(int64) 64-bit integer,Mainly involves ID and higher precision timestamp
    float Floating point number. Some time and stat fields use float.
    object Object,Contains a child object{}
    array List,Includes multiple groups of content
    boolean true is true,false is false

    # Spot trading

    For example, if you want to place a buy order for the BTC_USDT currency pair, the order request will be similar to

    POST /spot/orders
      "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",

    For other related restrictions, please refer to the document of the API endpoint directly.

    # Request ID

    It is allowed to set an X-Client-Request-Id header in the request, and the API will also carry this header in the response. You can use this field to locate the corresponding request that the API responds to, which is convenient for users to set the request id for tracking.

    # Self-Trade Prevention (STP)

    # Concepts

    Self-Trade Prevention: STP will prevent any user's orders from being matched with each other.

    CN: Cancel new, Cancel new orders and keep old ones.

    CO: Cancel old, Cancel old orders and keep new ones.

    CB: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled.

    # STP Strategies

    We support three STP strategies, which are CN , CO and CB.

    STP is achieved by adding users to one STP trading group. When a user in a STP group place orders, and trading could happen with existing orders of users in the same group, orders will be cancelled. The prevention strategy depends on the stp_act parameter specified when placing the order as taker. If not specified, the CN strategy will be used by default.

    A user has to be added to a STP trading group before using STP. When a user does not belong to any STP trading group, and place orders with the stp_act parameter, the orders will be rejected.

    # API Parameter Adjustment

    Take placing spot order as an example:

    POST /spot/{settle}/orders

    New request body parameter:

    Name Position Type Required Description
    stp_act body string No STP Strategies, including:
    - cn
    - co
    - cb

    New response fields:

    Name Type Required Restriction Description
    stp_act string No none STP Strategies, including:
    - cn
    - co
    - cb
    stp_id integer(int64) No readonly The ID of the STP trading group to which user belongs.
    finish_as string No readonly order finish type:
    - stp: The order has been canceled due to the STP

    # User case

    There are multiple accounts under Organization A, and the IDs of several accounts are 101, 102, and 103

    In order to prevent self-trading of orders placed by internal accounts of the organization, the administrator created a STP trading group with group ID 100, and added accounts 101 and 102 to the STP trading group. In this case, the members in the group are [101,102].

    T1: The STP strategy version released.

    T2: After the organization A account 101 places a short order, there is no matching order in the market order book to match the transaction. At this time, the role of the order is maker, and the order status is open. The key response fields returned are:


    T3: Organization A account 101/102 places a long order, and it can reach a trade with account 101’s short order. The match engine finds both two orders' stp_id are 100, so it applies the STP strategy of the taker order, which defaults to cn , and cancels the long order. Order's finish_as will be set to stp. The key response fields returned are:

    • If stp_act is co , the order placed by taker will be retained, the order status will be open, and the system will cancel the order of maker.

    • If stp_act is cb, both the long and short orders will be cancelled. Orders' finish_as will be set to stp. The key response fields returned are:


    T3': If account 103 places a long order, and it can reach a trade with account 101’s short order, the transaction will be made since account 103 has not been added to account 101’s STP group. The key response fields returned are:


    # Error Handling

    For all abnormal requests, APIv4 will return non-2xx status code, with a response body in JSON format to explain the error.

    The error response body follows a format like:

      "label": "INVALID_PARAM_VALUE",
      "message": "Invalid parameter `text` with value: abc"
    • label: denotes error type in string format. Its value are chosen from a certain list(see below). Programs can use label to identify and catch a specific error.
    • message(or detail): detailed error message. A longer explanation showing why the error is generated or how to avoid it. Its purpose is helping to better understand the API. Error handling mechanism with this field is highly NOT recommended.

    Take Python requests (opens new window) for example, error handling can be written like:

    Following examples only deal with business-related errors. Network timeout or other common errors need to be handled separately:

    import requests
    r = requests.get("https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4/spot/orders?currency_pair=BTC_USDT&status=finished")
    except requests.HTTPError:
        # catch 2xx errors, parse error message in body, and do something based on `label`
        if r.json()['label'] == 'xxx':

    or with Python SDK (opens new window):

    import gate_api
    from gate_api.exceptions import ApiException, GateApiException
    # Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4
    # See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
    configuration = gate_api.Configuration(
      host = "https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4"
    api_client = gate_api.ApiClient(configuration)
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = gate_api.SpotApi(api_client)
      # List all currencies' details
      api_response = api_instance.list_currencies()
    except GateApiException as ex:
      print("Gate api exception, label: %s, message: %s\n" % (ex.label, ex.message))
    except ApiException as e:
      print("Exception when calling SpotApi->list_currencies: %s\n" % e)

    # label list

    • Request parameter or format related
    label Meaning
    INVALID_PARAM_VALUE Invalid parameter value
    INVALID_PROTOCOL Invalid parameter value
    INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument
    INVALID_REQUEST_BODY Invalid request body
    MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM Missing required parameter
    BAD_REQUEST Invalid request
    INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE Invalid Content-Type header
    NOT_ACCEPTABLE Invalid Accept- Header
    METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED Request method is not allowed
    NOT_FOUND Request URL not exists
    • Authentication related
    label Meaning
    INVALID_CREDENTIALS Invalid credentials provided
    INVALID_KEY Invalid API Key
    IP_FORBIDDEN Request IP not in whitelist
    READ_ONLY API key is read-only
    INVALID_SIGNATURE Invalid signature
    MISSING_REQUIRED_HEADER Missing required authentication header
    REQUEST_EXPIRED Request Timestamp is far from the server time
    ACCOUNT_LOCKED Account is locked
    FORBIDDEN Account has no permission to request operation
    • Wallet related
    label Meaning
    SUB_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Sub account not found
    SUB_ACCOUNT_LOCKED Sub account is locked
    ACCOUNT_EXCEPTION Abnormal account
    SUB_ACCOUNT_TRANSFER_FAILED Failed to transfer with sub account
    ADDRESS_NOT_USED Address never being used in web console
    TOO_FAST Withdrawing request exceeds frequency limit
    WITHDRAWAL_OVER_LIMIT Withdrawal limit exceeded
    API_WITHDRAW_DISABLED API withdrawal operation is disabled temporarily
    INVALID_WITHDRAW_ID Invalid withdraw ID
    INVALID_WITHDRAW_CANCEL_STATUS Cancelling withdrawal not allowed with current status
    • Spot trading related
    label Meaning
    INVALID_PRECISION Invalid precision
    INVALID_CURRENCY Invalid currency
    INVALID_CURRENCY_PAIR Invalid currency pair
    POC_FILL_IMMEDIATELY Order would match and take immediately so it's cancelled
    ORDER_NOT_FOUND Order not found
    ORDER_CLOSED Order already closed
    ORDER_CANCELLED Order already cancelled
    QUANTITY_NOT_ENOUGH Amount is not enough
    BALANCE_NOT_ENOUGH Balance is not enough
    AMOUNT_TOO_LITTLE Amount does not reach minimum required
    AMOUNT_TOO_MUCH Amount exceeds maximum allowed
    REPEATED_CREATION Repeated creation
    NO_MATCHED_LOAN No loan can match request borrow requirement
    NOT_MERGEABLE Request loans cannot be merged
    NO_CHANGE No change is made
    REPAY_TOO_MUCH Repay more than required
    TOO_MANY_CURRENCY_PAIRS Too many currency pairs in batch orders creation
    TOO_MANY_ORDERS Too many orders in one currency pair in batch orders creation
    MIXED_ACCOUNT_TYPE More than one account type is used in batch orders creation
    AUTO_BORROW_TOO_MUCH Auto borrow exceeds maximum allowed
    TRADE_RESTRICTED Trading is restricted due to high debt ratio
    FOK_NOT_FILL FOK order cannot be filled completely
    NO_MERGEABLE_ORDERS Orders can be merged not found
    ORDER_BOOK_NOT_FOUND Insufficient liquidity
    FAILED_RETRIEVE_ASSETS Failed to retrieve account assets
    • Server errors
    label Meaning
    INTERNAL Internal server error
    SERVER_ERROR Internal server error
    TOO_BUSY Server is too busy at the moment

    # Authentication

    # Generate API key

    Before calling the private API interface, the API key of the account needs to be generated to verify the identity. You can log in on the website and generate it in [account management] - > [APIv4 keys], or click here to generate API keys.

    Each account can create 20 API keys, and the permission configuration of each key is independent of each other. It is recommended to set a note name for each key to indicate its purpose.

    Key Access Key Secret Key The key used for signature authentication encryption

    Besides, you can attach an IP whitelist, which requires the server only accept requests from specified IPs. Each key can have at most 20 IPs formatted in IPv4(not supporting IP range though). If IP whitelist is not set, the server will skip client IP validation.

    Each user can create at most 5 keys with separate permissions. It is recommended to set a name for key denoting how the key will be used.


    Note: If the key is named with spot, then it could be the default name after APIv4 migration. For details refer to About APIv4 key improvement section

    Created key can also be updated or deleted, but any modification(s) can take up to 5 minutes to take effect.

    # APIv4 Permissions

    When creating a Key, you can configure whether to enable spot, wallet, or withdrawal permissions for the Key, and whether to enable read-write or read-only permissions.

    Products Permissions
    spot Read-only query orders Read-write query orders & place orders
    wallet Read-only Query for withdrawal transfer records Read-write Query for account records & fund transfers
    withdrawal Read-only Query cash withdrawal records Read-write Query cash withdrawal records & withdrawals

    All GET operations are read requests, while others are write requests. Each permission group can be set to disabled, read-only or read-write.

    Please note that even though withdrawal API has only one operation(i.e. POST /withdrawals), for general concern, it is still separated from wallet API into a standalone permission group, while withdrawal history retrieving API stays inside wallet operations( i.e., GET /wallet/withdrawals).

    # APIv4 signed request requirements

    1. Generate APIv4 Key pairs in web console, and make sure it has the right permissions.
    2. Set request header KEY to the key.
    3. Set request header Timestamp to current time formatted in Unix time in seconds. Pay attention that the gap between its value and current time cannot exceed 60 seconds.
    4. Set request header SIGN to encrypted request signature. Refer to next section for how signature string is generated. Signature generation method is HexEncode(HMAC_SHA512(secret, signature_string)), i.e., the hexadecimal digest output of HMAC-SHA512 with APIv4 secret as secret and signature string as message,
    5. Make sure request client's IP is in your APIv4 Key's IP whitelist.

    # API Signature string generation

    In APIv4, signature string is concatenated as the following way:

    Request Method + "\n" + Request URL + "\n" + Query String + "\n" + HexEncode(SHA512(Request Payload)) + "\n" + Timestamp

    # Request Method

    Request method in UPPERCASE, e.g. POST, GET

    # Request URL

    Request url. Protocol, host and port are not included, e.g. /api/v4/spot/orders

    # Query String

    Request query string without URL encode. query parameters order should be the same as how they are concatenated in the request URL, e.g. status=finished&limit=50. Use empty string("") if no query parameters.

    # HexEncode(SHA512(Request Payload))

    Hash the request body with SHA512 and output its Hex encoded form. If no request body, use empty string's hashed result, i.e. cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a921d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417a81a538327af927da3e

    # Timestamp

    Timestamp request header value.


    Note: all example signature string are broken into multiple lines for displaying purpose only. Only the \n character in signature string is reserved in reality.

    Suppose the key we used is key, while the secret is secret.

    1. List all orders
    	GET /api/v4/spot/orders?contract=BTC_USD&status=finished&limit=50 HTTP/1.1

    Signature string:



    • /api/v4/spot/orders: request url
    • currency_pair=BTC_USDT&status=finished&limit=50: keep the query string as it is in the request url
    • request body use empty string's hashed result
    • 1684372832: Unix timestamp in seconds

    Signature generated


    1. Create an order
    	POST /api/v4/spot/orders HTTP/1.1
        {"text": "t-123456","currency_pair": "BTC_USDT","type": "limit","account": "spot","side": "buy","iceberg": "0","amount": "0.0001","price": "10000","time_in_force": "gtc","auto_borrow": false}

    Signature string:



    • request query string is empty, use plain empty string
    • use the hashed result of the json-string-formatted request body

    Signature generated


    # example authentication implementation in Python
    Python SDK is recommended as it has already implemented the authentication process for every API:
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    import requests
    import json
    def gen_sign(method, url, query_string=None, payload_string=None):
        key = ''        # api_key
        secret = ''     # api_secret
        t = time.time()
        m = hashlib.sha512()
        m.update((payload_string or "").encode('utf-8'))
        hashed_payload = m.hexdigest()
        s = '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s' % (method, url, query_string or "", hashed_payload, t)
        sign = hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'), s.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
        return {'KEY': key, 'Timestamp': str(t), 'SIGN': sign}
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        host = "https://api.gateio.ws"
        prefix = "/api/v4"
        common_headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        url = '/spot/orders'
        body = {
    		"text": "t-123456",
    		"currency_pair": "BTC_USDT",
    		"type": "limit",
    		"account": "spot",
    		"side": "buy",
    		"iceberg": "0",
    		"amount": "0.0001",
    		"price": "10000",
    		"time_in_force": "gtc",
    		"auto_borrow": False
        request_content = json.dumps(body)
        sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, "", request_content)
        print('signature headers: %s' % sign_headers)
        res = requests.post(host + prefix + url, headers=sign_headers, data=request_content)

    # FAQ

    • Difference between sub account and main account

      • Sub account API Key cannot operate transferals between main and sub account, i.e., POST /wallet/sub_account_transfers
      • Sub account API Key cannot operate withdrawal, i.e., POST /withdrawals
      • If sub account does not have some business permission, even if its API key has the permission, the operations will be rejected too.
    • I have other question(s) not covered above

      Contact support for the issue. If the problem is related to one of the SDKs, you can also open an issue in the corresponding GitHub repository.

      When submitting an issue, please include the following information to help identify the problem:

      • User ID
        • Original request URL, request parameters and request body
        • What API key was used and where was it used, TestNet or real trading(API secret is not needed)
        • Programming language. Providing a code snippet will be better
        • Whether SDK was used. If so, which method caused the problem

    # Spot

    Spot trading

    # List all currencies' details

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/currencies'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/currencies \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/currencies

    List all currencies' details

    Currency has two forms:

    1. Only currency name, e.g., BTC, USDT
    2. <currency>_<chain>, e.g., HT_ETH The latter one occurs when one currency has multiple chains. Currency detail contains a chain field whatever the form is. To retrieve all chains of one currency, you can use use all the details which has the name of the currency or name starting with <currency>_.

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency": "GT",
        "delisted": false,
        "withdraw_disabled": false,
        "withdraw_delayed": false,
        "deposit_disabled": false,
        "trade_disabled": false,
        "chain": "GT"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » currency string Currency name
    » delisted boolean Whether currency is de-listed
    » withdraw_disabled boolean Whether currency's withdrawal is disabled
    » withdraw_delayed boolean Whether currency's withdrawal is delayed
    » deposit_disabled boolean Whether currency's deposit is disabled
    » trade_disabled boolean Whether currency's trading is disabled
    » fixed_rate string Fixed fee rate. Only for fixed rate currencies, not valid for normal currencies
    » chain string Chain of currency

    # Get details of a specific currency

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/currencies/GT'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/currencies/GT \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/currencies/{currency}

    Get details of a specific currency


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency path string true Currency name

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "currency": "GT",
      "delisted": false,
      "withdraw_disabled": false,
      "withdraw_delayed": false,
      "deposit_disabled": false,
      "trade_disabled": false,
      "chain": "GT"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency string Currency name
    » delisted boolean Whether currency is de-listed
    » withdraw_disabled boolean Whether currency's withdrawal is disabled
    » withdraw_delayed boolean Whether currency's withdrawal is delayed
    » deposit_disabled boolean Whether currency's deposit is disabled
    » trade_disabled boolean Whether currency's trading is disabled
    » fixed_rate string Fixed fee rate. Only for fixed rate currencies, not valid for normal currencies
    » chain string Chain of currency

    # Retrieve ticker information

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/tickers'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/tickers \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/tickers

    Retrieve ticker information

    Return only related data if currency_pair is specified; otherwise return all of them


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string false Currency pair
    timezone query string false Timezone

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    timezone utc0
    timezone utc8
    timezone all

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency_pair": "BTC3L_USDT",
        "last": "2.46140352",
        "lowest_ask": "2.477",
        "highest_bid": "2.4606821",
        "change_percentage": "-8.91",
        "change_utc0": "-8.91",
        "change_utc8": "-8.91",
        "base_volume": "656614.0845820589",
        "quote_volume": "1602221.66468375534639404191",
        "high_24h": "2.7431",
        "low_24h": "1.9863",
        "etf_net_value": "2.46316141",
        "etf_pre_net_value": "2.43201848",
        "etf_pre_timestamp": 1611244800,
        "etf_leverage": "2.2803019447281203"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency_pair string Currency pair
    » last string Last trading price
    » lowest_ask string Recent lowest ask
    » highest_bid string Recent highest bid
    » change_percentage string Change percentage in the last 24h
    » change_utc0 string utc0 timezone, the percentage change in the last 24 hours
    » change_utc8 string utc8 timezone, the percentage change in the last 24 hours
    » base_volume string Base currency trade volume in the last 24h
    » quote_volume string Quote currency trade volume in the last 24h
    » high_24h string Highest price in 24h
    » low_24h string Lowest price in 24h
    » etf_net_value string ETF net value
    » etf_pre_net_value string|null ETF previous net value at re-balancing time
    » etf_pre_timestamp integer(int64)|null ETF previous re-balancing time
    » etf_leverage string|null ETF current leverage

    # Retrieve order book

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/order_book'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/order_book?currency_pair=BTC_USDT \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/order_book

    Retrieve order book

    Order book will be sorted by price from high to low on bids; low to high on asks


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    interval query string false Order depth. 0 means no aggregation is applied. default to 0
    limit query integer false Maximum number of order depth data in asks or bids
    with_id query boolean false Return order book ID

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": 123456,
      "current": 1623898993123,
      "update": 1623898993121,
      "asks": [
      "bids": [


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » id integer(int64) Order book ID, which is updated whenever the order book is changed. Valid only when with_id is set to true
    » current integer(int64) The timestamp of the response data being generated (in milliseconds)
    » update integer(int64) The timestamp of when the orderbook last changed (in milliseconds)
    » asks array Asks order depth
    »» None array price and amount
    » bids array Bids order depth
    »» None array price and amount

    # Retrieve market trades

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/trades'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/trades

    Retrieve market trades

    You can use from and to to query by time range, or use last_id by scrolling page. The default behavior is by time range.

    Scrolling query using last_id is not recommended any more. If last_id is specified, time range query parameters will be ignored.


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    limit query integer(int32) false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list. Default: 100, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 1000
    last_id query string false Specify list staring point using the id of last record in previous list-query results
    reverse query boolean false Whether the id of records to be retrieved should be less than the last_id specified. Default to false.
    from query integer(int64) false Start timestamp of the query
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time
    page query integer false Page number

    # Detailed descriptions

    reverse: Whether the id of records to be retrieved should be less than the last_id specified. Default to false.

    When last_id is specified. Set reverse to true to trace back trading history; false to retrieve latest tradings.

    No effect if last_id is not specified.

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "1232893232",
        "create_time": "1548000000",
        "create_time_ms": "1548000000123.456",
        "order_id": "4128442423",
        "side": "buy",
        "role": "maker",
        "amount": "0.15",
        "price": "0.03",
        "fee": "0.0005",
        "fee_currency": "ETH",
        "point_fee": "0",
        "gt_fee": "0"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » id string Trade ID
    » create_time string Trading time
    » create_time_ms string Trading time, with millisecond precision
    » currency_pair string Currency pair
    » side string Order side
    » role string Trade role. No value in public endpoints
    » amount string Trade amount
    » price string Order price
    » order_id string Related order ID. No value in public endpoints
    » fee string Fee deducted. No value in public endpoints
    » fee_currency string Fee currency unit. No value in public endpoints
    » point_fee string Points used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints
    » gt_fee string GT used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints
    » amend_text string The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order
    » sequence_id string Represents a unique and consecutive trade ID within a single market.
    It is used to track and identify trades in the specific market
    » text string User defined information. No value in public endpoints

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    side buy
    side sell
    role taker
    role maker


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Market candlesticks

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/candlesticks'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/candlesticks?currency_pair=BTC_USDT \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/candlesticks

    Market candlesticks

    Maximum of 1000 points can be returned in a query. Be sure not to exceed the limit when specifying from, to and interval


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    limit query integer false Maximum recent data points to return. limit is conflicted with from and to. If either from or to is specified, request will be rejected.
    from query integer(int64) false Start time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds.
    to query integer(int64) false End time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default to current time
    interval query string false Interval time between data points. Note that 30d means 1 natual month, not 30 days

    # Detailed descriptions

    from: Start time of candlesticks, formatted in Unix timestamp in seconds. Default toto - 100 * interval if not specified

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    interval 10s
    interval 1m
    interval 5m
    interval 15m
    interval 30m
    interval 1h
    interval 4h
    interval 8h
    interval 1d
    interval 7d
    interval 30d

    Example responses

    200 Response



    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved [[string]]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » None array Candlestick data point detail. The array elements represent the following items respectively:

    - Unix timestamp in seconds
    - Quote currency trading volume
    - Close price
    - Highest price
    - Lowest price
    - Open price
    - Base currency trading amount

    # Query user trading fee rates

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/fee'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/fee

    Query user trading fee rates

    This API is deprecated in favour of new fee retrieving API /wallet/fee.


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string false Specify a currency pair to retrieve precise fee rate

    # Detailed descriptions

    currency_pair: Specify a currency pair to retrieve precise fee rate This field is optional. In most cases, the fee rate is identical among all currency pairs

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "user_id": 10001,
      "taker_fee": "0.002",
      "maker_fee": "0.002",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "gt_taker_fee": "0",
      "gt_maker_fee": "0",
      "loan_fee": "0.18",
      "point_type": "1"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » user_id integer(int64) User ID
    » taker_fee string taker fee rate
    » maker_fee string maker fee rate
    » gt_discount boolean If GT deduction is enabled
    » gt_taker_fee string Taker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    » gt_maker_fee string Maker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    » point_type string Point type. 0 - Initial version. 1 - new version since 202009


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Query a batch of user trading fee rates

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/batch_fee'
    query_param = 'currency_pairs=BTC_USDT,ETH_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/batch_fee

    Query a batch of user trading fee rates


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pairs query string true A request can only query up to 50 currency pairs

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "BTC_USDT": {
        "user_id": 10001,
        "taker_fee": "0.002",
        "maker_fee": "0.002",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "gt_taker_fee": "0",
        "gt_maker_fee": "0",
        "loan_fee": "0.18",
        "point_type": "1",
        "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT"
      "GT_USDT": {
        "user_id": 10001,
        "taker_fee": "0.002",
        "maker_fee": "0.002",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "gt_taker_fee": "0",
        "gt_maker_fee": "0",
        "loan_fee": "0.18",
        "point_type": "1",
        "currency_pair": "GT_USDT"
      "ETH_USDT": {
        "user_id": 10001,
        "taker_fee": "0.002",
        "maker_fee": "0.002",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "gt_taker_fee": "0",
        "gt_maker_fee": "0",
        "loan_fee": "0.18",
        "point_type": "1",
        "currency_pair": "ETH_USDT"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » additionalProperties object none
    »» user_id integer(int64) User ID
    »» taker_fee string taker fee rate
    »» maker_fee string maker fee rate
    »» gt_discount boolean If GT deduction is enabled
    »» gt_taker_fee string Taker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    »» gt_maker_fee string Maker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    »» loan_fee string Loan fee rate of margin lending
    »» point_type string Point type. 0 - Initial version. 1 - new version since 202009
    »» currency_pair string Currency pair


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List spot accounts

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/accounts'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/accounts

    List spot accounts


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string false Retrieve data of the specified currency

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency": "ETH",
        "available": "968.8",
        "locked": "0"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency string Currency detail
    » available string Available amount
    » locked string Locked amount, used in trading


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Create a batch of orders

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/batch_orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /spot/batch_orders

    Create a batch of orders

    Batch orders requirements:

    1. custom order field text is required
    2. At most 4 currency pairs, maximum 10 orders each, are allowed in one request
    3. No mixture of spot orders, i.e. account must be identical for all orders

    Body parameter

        "text": "t-123456",
        "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
        "type": "limit",
        "account": "spot",
        "side": "buy",
        "iceberg": "0",
        "amount": "1",
        "price": "5.00032",
        "time_in_force": "gtc",
        "auto_borrow": false


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body array[Order] true none

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "text": "t-123456",
        "succeeded": true,
        "label": "",
        "message": "",
        "id": "12332324",
        "create_time": "1548000000",
        "update_time": "1548000100",
        "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
        "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
        "currency_pair": "ETC_BTC",
        "status": "cancelled",
        "type": "limit",
        "account": "spot",
        "side": "buy",
        "amount": "1",
        "price": "5.00032",
        "time_in_force": "gtc",
        "iceberg": "0",
        "auto_borrow": false,
        "left": "0.5",
        "filled_total": "2.50016",
        "fee": "0.005",
        "fee_currency": "ETH",
        "point_fee": "0",
        "gt_fee": "0",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "rebated_fee": "0",
        "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Request is completed [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » None object Batch order details
    »» text string User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below:

    1. prefixed with t-
    2. no longer than 28 bytes without t- prefix
    3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)
    »» succeeded boolean Whether the batch of orders succeeded
    »» label string Error label, if any, otherwise an empty string
    »» message string Detailed error message, if any, otherwise an empty string
    »» id string Order ID
    »» create_time string Creation time of order
    »» update_time string Last modification time of order
    »» create_time_ms integer(int64) Creation time of order (in milliseconds)
    »» update_time_ms integer(int64) Last modification time of order (in milliseconds)
    »» status string Order status

    - open: to be filled
    - closed: filled
    - cancelled: cancelled
    »» currency_pair string Currency pair
    »» type string Order Type

    - limit : Limit Order
    - market : Market Order
    »» account string Account type,spot - use spot account
    »» side string Order side
    »» amount string Trade amount
    »» price string Order price
    »» time_in_force string Time in force

    - gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
    - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee
    - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none
    »» iceberg string Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Hiding all amount is not supported.
    »» auto_repay boolean Default is disabled.
    »» left string Amount left to fill
    »» fill_price string Total filled in quote currency. Deprecated in favor of filled_total
    »» filled_total string Total filled in quote currency
    »» fee string Fee deducted
    »» fee_currency string Fee currency unit
    »» point_fee string Points used to deduct fee
    »» gt_fee string GT used to deduct fee
    »» gt_discount boolean Whether GT fee discount is used
    »» rebated_fee string Rebated fee
    »» rebated_fee_currency string Rebated fee currency unit
    »» stp_id integer Orders between users in the same stp_id group are not allowed to be self-traded

    1. If the stp_id of two orders being matched is non-zero and equal, they will not be executed. Instead, the corresponding strategy will be executed based on the stp_act of the taker.
    2. stp_id returns 0 by default for orders that have not been set for STP group
    »» stp_act string Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies

    1. After users join the STP Group, he can pass stp_act to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If stp_act is not passed, the default is cn strategy。
    2. When the user does not join the STP group, an error will be returned when passing the stp_act parameter。
    3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-'

    - cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones
    - co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones
    - cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled
    »» finish_as string How the order was finished.

    - open: processing
    - filled: filled totally
    - cancelled: manually cancelled
    - ioc: time in force is IOC, finish immediately
    - stp: cancelled because self trade prevention

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status open
    status closed
    status cancelled
    type limit
    type market
    account spot
    side buy
    side sell
    time_in_force gtc
    time_in_force ioc
    time_in_force poc
    time_in_force fok
    stp_act cn
    stp_act co
    stp_act cb
    stp_act -
    finish_as open
    finish_as filled
    finish_as cancelled
    finish_as ioc
    finish_as stp


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List all open orders

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/open_orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/open_orders

    List all open orders

    List open orders in all currency pairs.

    Note that pagination parameters affect record number in each currency pair's open order list. No pagination is applied to the number of currency pairs returned. All currency pairs with open orders will be returned.

    Spot orders are returned by default.


    Name In Type Required Description
    page query integer false Page number
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records returned in one page in each currency pair
    account query string false Specify operation account. Default to spot account if not specified.

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
        "total": 1,
        "orders": [
            "id": "12332324",
            "text": "t-123456",
            "create_time": "1548000000",
            "update_time": "1548000100",
            "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
            "status": "open",
            "type": "limit",
            "account": "spot",
            "side": "buy",
            "amount": "1",
            "price": "5.00032",
            "time_in_force": "gtc",
            "auto_borrow": false,
            "left": "0.5",
            "filled_total": "2.50016",
            "fee": "0.005",
            "fee_currency": "ETH",
            "point_fee": "0",
            "gt_fee": "0",
            "gt_discount": false,
            "rebated_fee": "0",
            "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency_pair string Currency pair
    » total integer Total open orders in this currency pair
    » orders array none
    »» None object Spot order details
    »»» id string Order ID
    »»» text string User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below:

    1. prefixed with t-
    2. no longer than 28 bytes without t- prefix
    3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)

    Besides user defined information, reserved contents are listed below, denoting how the order is created:

    - 101: from android
    - 102: from IOS
    - 103: from IPAD
    - 104: from webapp
    - 3: from web
    - 2: from apiv2
    - apiv4: from apiv4
    »»» amend_text string The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order
    »»» create_time string Creation time of order
    »»» update_time string Last modification time of order
    »»» create_time_ms integer(int64) Creation time of order (in milliseconds)
    »»» update_time_ms integer(int64) Last modification time of order (in milliseconds)
    »»» status string Order status

    - open: to be filled
    - closed: filled
    - cancelled: cancelled
    »»» currency_pair string Currency pair
    »»» type string Order Type

    - limit : Limit Order
    - market : Market Order
    »»» account string Account type,spot - use spot account
    »»» side string Order side
    »»» amount string When type is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, BTC_USDT means BTC
    When type is market, it refers to different currency according to side
    - side : buy means quote currency, BTC_USDT means USDT
    - side : sell means base currency,BTC_USDT means BTC
    »»» price string Price can't be empty when type= limit
    »»» time_in_force string Time in force

    - gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
    - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee
    - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none
    Only ioc and fok are supported when type=market
    »»» iceberg string Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Hiding all amount is not supported.
    »»» auto_repay boolean Default is disabled.
    »»» left string Amount left to fill
    »»» fill_price string Total filled in quote currency. Deprecated in favor of filled_total
    »»» filled_total string Total filled in quote currency
    »»» avg_deal_price string Average fill price
    »»» fee string Fee deducted
    »»» fee_currency string Fee currency unit
    »»» point_fee string Points used to deduct fee
    »»» gt_fee string GT used to deduct fee
    »»» gt_maker_fee string GT used to deduct maker fee
    »»» gt_taker_fee string GT used to deduct taker fee
    »»» gt_discount boolean Whether GT fee discount is used
    »»» rebated_fee string Rebated fee
    »»» rebated_fee_currency string Rebated fee currency unit
    »»» stp_id integer Orders between users in the same stp_id group are not allowed to be self-traded

    1. If the stp_id of two orders being matched is non-zero and equal, they will not be executed. Instead, the corresponding strategy will be executed based on the stp_act of the taker.
    2. stp_id returns 0 by default for orders that have not been set for STP group
    »»» stp_act string Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies

    1. After users join the STP Group, he can pass stp_act to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If stp_act is not passed, the default is cn strategy。
    2. When the user does not join the STP group, an error will be returned when passing the stp_act parameter。
    3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-'

    - cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones
    - co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones
    - cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled
    »»» finish_as string How the order was finished.

    - open: processing
    - filled: filled totally
    - cancelled: manually cancelled
    - ioc: time in force is IOC, finish immediately
    - stp: cancelled because self trade prevention

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status open
    status closed
    status cancelled
    type limit
    type market
    account spot
    side buy
    side sell
    time_in_force gtc
    time_in_force ioc
    time_in_force poc
    time_in_force fok
    stp_act cn
    stp_act co
    stp_act cb
    stp_act -
    finish_as open
    finish_as filled
    finish_as cancelled
    finish_as ioc
    finish_as stp


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Create an order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /spot/orders

    Create an order

    You can place orders with spot account through setting the account field. It defaults to spot, which means spot account is used to place orders. Automatic repayment will be triggered when the order is finished, i.e., its status is either cancelled or closed. Order status An order waiting to be filled is open, and it stays open until it is filled totally. If fully filled, order is finished and its status turns to closed.If the order is cancelled before it is totally filled, whether or not partially filled, its status is cancelled. Iceberg order iceberg field can be used to set the amount shown. Set to -1 to hide the order completely. Note that the hidden part's fee will be charged using taker's fee rate. Self Trade Prevention Set stp_act to decide the strategy of self-trade prevention. For detailed usage, refer to the stp_act parameter in request body

    Body parameter

      "text": "t-123456",
      "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "iceberg": "0",
      "amount": "1",
      "price": "5.00032",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "auto_borrow": false


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body Order true none
    » text body string false User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below:
    » currency_pair body string true Currency pair
    » type body string false Order Type
    » account body string false Account type,spot - use spot account
    » side body string true Order side
    » amount body string true When type is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, BTC_USDT means BTC
    » price body string false Price can't be empty when type= limit
    » time_in_force body string false Time in force
    » iceberg body string false Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Hiding all amount is not supported.
    » auto_repay body boolean false Default is disabled.
    » stp_act body string false Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies

    # Detailed descriptions

    » text: User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below:

    1. prefixed with t-
    2. no longer than 28 bytes without t- prefix
    3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)

    Besides user defined information, reserved contents are listed below, denoting how the order is created:

    • 101: from android
    • 102: from IOS
    • 103: from IPAD
    • 104: from webapp
    • 3: from web
    • 2: from apiv2
    • apiv4: from apiv4

    » type: Order Type

    • limit : Limit Order
    • market : Market Order

    » amount: When type is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, BTC_USDT means BTC When type is market, it refers to different currency according to side

    • side : buy means quote currency, BTC_USDT means USDT
    • side : sell means base currency,BTC_USDT means BTC

    » time_in_force: Time in force

    • gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    • ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
    • poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee
    • fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none Only ioc and fok are supported when type=market

    » stp_act: Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies

    1. After users join the STP Group, he can pass stp_act to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If stp_act is not passed, the default is cn strategy。
    2. When the user does not join the STP group, an error will be returned when passing the stp_act parameter。
    3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-'
    • cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones
    • co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones
    • cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    » type limit
    » type market
    » account spot
    » side buy
    » side sell
    » time_in_force gtc
    » time_in_force ioc
    » time_in_force poc
    » time_in_force fok
    » stp_act cn
    » stp_act co
    » stp_act cb
    » stp_act -

    Example responses

    201 Response

      "id": "12332324",
      "text": "t-123456",
      "create_time": "1548000000",
      "update_time": "1548000100",
      "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
      "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
      "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
      "status": "cancelled",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "iceberg": "0",
      "amount": "1",
      "price": "5.00032",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "auto_borrow": false,
      "left": "0.5",
      "filled_total": "2.50016",
      "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
      "fee": "0.005",
      "fee_currency": "ETH",
      "point_fee": "0",
      "gt_fee": "0",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "rebated_fee": "0",
      "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created (opens new window) Order created. Order


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List orders

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT&status=open'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/orders

    List orders

    Spot orders are returned by default. When status is open, i.e., listing open orders, only pagination parameters page and limit are supported and limit cannot be larger than 100. Query by side and time range parameters from and to are not supported.

    When status is finished, i.e., listing finished orders, pagination parameters, time range parameters from and to, and side parameters are all supported. Time range parameters are handled as order finish time.


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string true Retrieve results with specified currency pair. It is required for open orders, but optional for finished ones.
    status query string true List orders based on status
    page query integer false Page number
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned. If status is open, maximum of limit is 100
    account query string false Specify operation account. Default to spot account if not specified.
    from query integer(int64) false Start timestamp of the query
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time
    side query string false All bids or asks. Both included if not specified

    # Detailed descriptions

    status: List orders based on status open - order is waiting to be filled finished - order has been filled or cancelled

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    status open
    status finished
    side buy
    side sell

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "12332324",
        "text": "t-123456",
        "create_time": "1548000000",
        "update_time": "1548000100",
        "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
        "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
        "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
        "status": "cancelled",
        "type": "limit",
        "account": "spot",
        "side": "buy",
        "iceberg": "0",
        "amount": "1",
        "price": "5.00032",
        "time_in_force": "gtc",
        "auto_borrow": false,
        "left": "0.5",
        "filled_total": "2.50016",
        "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
        "fee": "0.005",
        "fee_currency": "ETH",
        "point_fee": "0",
        "gt_fee": "0",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "rebated_fee": "0",
        "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Order]


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Cancel all open orders in specified currency pair

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('DELETE', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('DELETE', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    DELETE /spot/orders

    Cancel all open orders in specified currency pair

    If account is not set, all open orders will be cancelled. You can set account to cancel only orders within the specified account


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    side query string false All bids or asks. Both included if not specified
    account query string false Specify account type

    # Detailed descriptions

    account: Specify account type

    • classic account:Default to all account

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    side buy
    side sell
    account spot

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "12332324",
        "text": "t-123456",
        "create_time": "1548000000",
        "update_time": "1548000100",
        "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
        "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
        "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
        "status": "cancelled",
        "type": "limit",
        "account": "spot",
        "side": "buy",
        "iceberg": "0",
        "amount": "1",
        "price": "5.00032",
        "time_in_force": "gtc",
        "auto_borrow": false,
        "left": "0.5",
        "filled_total": "2.50016",
        "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
        "fee": "0.005",
        "fee_currency": "ETH",
        "point_fee": "0",
        "gt_fee": "0",
        "gt_discount": false,
        "rebated_fee": "0",
        "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Batch cancellation request accepted. Query order status by listing orders [Order]


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/cancel_batch_orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /spot/cancel_batch_orders

    Cancel a batch of orders with an ID list

    Multiple currency pairs can be specified, but maximum 20 orders are allowed per request

    Body parameter

        "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT",
        "id": "123456"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body array[object] true none

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT",
        "id": "123456",
        "succeeded": true,
        "label": null,
        "message": null


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Batch cancellation completed [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » CancelOrderResult object Order cancellation result
    »» currency_pair string Order currency pair
    »» id string Order ID
    »» succeeded boolean Whether cancellation succeeded
    »» label string Error label when failed to cancel the order; emtpy if succeeded
    »» message string Error message when failed to cancel the order; empty if succeeded
    »» account string Empty by default.


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Get a single order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders/12345'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/orders/{order_id}

    Get a single order

    Spot orders are queried by default.


    Name In Type Required Description
    order_id path string true Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field).
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    account query string false Specify operation account.

    # Detailed descriptions

    order_id: Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field). Operations based on custom ID can only be checked when the order is in orderbook. When the order is finished, it can be checked within 1 hour after the end of the order. After that, only order ID is accepted.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": "12332324",
      "text": "t-123456",
      "create_time": "1548000000",
      "update_time": "1548000100",
      "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
      "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
      "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
      "status": "cancelled",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "iceberg": "0",
      "amount": "1",
      "price": "5.00032",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "auto_borrow": false,
      "left": "0.5",
      "filled_total": "2.50016",
      "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
      "fee": "0.005",
      "fee_currency": "ETH",
      "point_fee": "0",
      "gt_fee": "0",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "rebated_fee": "0",
      "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Detail retrieved Order


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Amend an order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders/12345'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('PATCH', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('PATCH', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    PATCH /spot/orders/{order_id}

    Amend an order

    By default, the orders of spot are updated. Currently, only supports modification of price or amount fields. Regarding rate limiting: modify order and create order sharing rate limiting rules. Regarding matching priority: only modifying the amount does not affect the priority. If the price is modified, the priority will be adjusted to the last of the new price. Note: If the modified amount is less than the fill amount, the order will be cancelled.

    Body parameter

      "amount": "1",
      "price": "14"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » amount body string false New order amount. amount and price must specify one of them
    » price body string false New order price. amount and Price must specify one of them"
    » amend_text body string false Custom info during amending order
    order_id path string true Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field).
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    account query string false Specify operation account.

    # Detailed descriptions

    order_id: Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field). Operations based on custom ID can only be checked when the order is in orderbook. When the order is finished, it can be checked within 1 hour after the end of the order. After that, only order ID is accepted.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": "12332324",
      "text": "t-123456",
      "create_time": "1548000000",
      "update_time": "1548000100",
      "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
      "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
      "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
      "status": "cancelled",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "iceberg": "0",
      "amount": "1",
      "price": "5.00032",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "auto_borrow": false,
      "left": "0.5",
      "filled_total": "2.50016",
      "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
      "fee": "0.005",
      "fee_currency": "ETH",
      "point_fee": "0",
      "gt_fee": "0",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "rebated_fee": "0",
      "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Updated Order


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Cancel a single order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/orders/12345'
    query_param = 'currency_pair=BTC_USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('DELETE', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('DELETE', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    DELETE /spot/orders/{order_id}

    Cancel a single order

    Spot is cancelled by default.


    Name In Type Required Description
    order_id path string true Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field).
    currency_pair query string true Currency pair
    account query string false Specify operation account.

    # Detailed descriptions

    order_id: Order ID returned, or user custom ID(i.e., text field). Operations based on custom ID can only be checked when the order is in orderbook. When the order is finished, it can be checked within 1 hour after the end of the order. After that, only order ID is accepted.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "id": "12332324",
      "text": "t-123456",
      "create_time": "1548000000",
      "update_time": "1548000100",
      "create_time_ms": 1548000000123,
      "update_time_ms": 1548000100123,
      "currency_pair": "ETH_BTC",
      "status": "cancelled",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "iceberg": "0",
      "amount": "1",
      "price": "5.00032",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "auto_borrow": false,
      "left": "0.5",
      "filled_total": "2.50016",
      "avg_deal_price": "5.00032",
      "fee": "0.005",
      "fee_currency": "ETH",
      "point_fee": "0",
      "gt_fee": "0",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "rebated_fee": "0",
      "rebated_fee_currency": "BTC"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Order cancelled Order


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List personal trading history

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/my_trades'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/my_trades

    List personal trading history

    Spot trades are queried by default.


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string false Retrieve results with specified currency pair
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
    page query integer false Page number
    order_id query string false Filter trades with specified order ID. currency_pair is also required if this field is present
    account query string false Specify operation account,default to spot.
    from query integer(int64) false Start timestamp of the query
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "1232893232",
        "create_time": "1548000000",
        "create_time_ms": "1548000000123.456",
        "order_id": "4128442423",
        "side": "buy",
        "role": "maker",
        "amount": "0.15",
        "price": "0.03",
        "fee": "0.0005",
        "fee_currency": "ETH",
        "point_fee": "0",
        "gt_fee": "0"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » id string Trade ID
    » create_time string Trading time
    » create_time_ms string Trading time, with millisecond precision
    » currency_pair string Currency pair
    » side string Order side
    » role string Trade role. No value in public endpoints
    » amount string Trade amount
    » price string Order price
    » order_id string Related order ID. No value in public endpoints
    » fee string Fee deducted. No value in public endpoints
    » fee_currency string Fee currency unit. No value in public endpoints
    » point_fee string Points used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints
    » gt_fee string GT used to deduct fee. No value in public endpoints
    » amend_text string The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order
    » sequence_id string Represents a unique and consecutive trade ID within a single market.
    It is used to track and identify trades in the specific market
    » text string User defined information. No value in public endpoints

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    side buy
    side sell
    role taker
    role maker


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Get server current time

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/time'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/spot/time \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /spot/time

    Get server current time

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "server_time": 1597026383085


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200


    Name Type Description
    » server_time integer(int64) Server current time(ms)

    # Countdown cancel orders

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/countdown_cancel_all'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /spot/countdown_cancel_all

    Countdown cancel orders

    When the timeout set by the user is reached, if there is no cancel or set a new countdown, the related pending orders will be automatically cancelled. This endpoint can be called repeatedly to set a new countdown or cancel the countdown. For example, call this endpoint at 30s intervals, each countdowntimeout is set to 30s. If this endpoint is not called again within 30 seconds, all pending orders on the specified market will be automatically cancelled, if no market is specified, all market pending orders will be cancelled. If the timeout is set to 0 within 30 seconds, the countdown timer will expire and the cacnel function will be cancelled.

    Body parameter

      "timeout": 30,
      "currency_pair": "BTC_USDT"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » timeout body integer(int32) true Countdown time, in seconds
    » currency_pair body string false Currency pair

    # Detailed descriptions

    » timeout: Countdown time, in seconds At least 5 seconds, 0 means cancel the countdown

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "triggerTime": "1660039145000"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Set countdown successfully Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200


    Name Type Description
    » triggerTime integer(int64) Timestamp of the end of the countdown, in milliseconds


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Create a price-triggered order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/price_orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /spot/price_orders

    Create a price-triggered order

    Body parameter

      "trigger": {
        "price": "100",
        "rule": ">=",
        "expiration": 3600
      "put": {
        "type": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "2.15",
        "amount": "2.00000000",
        "account": "normal",
        "time_in_force": "gtc"
      "market": "GT_USDT"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body SpotPriceTriggeredOrder true none
    » trigger body object true none
    »» price body string true Trigger price
    »» rule body string true Price trigger condition
    »» expiration body integer true How long (in seconds) to wait for the condition to be triggered before cancelling the order.
    » put body object true none
    »» type body string false Order type, default to limit
    »» side body string true Order side
    »» price body string true Order price
    »» amount body string true Order amount
    »» account body string true Trading account type. `
    »» time_in_force body string false time_in_force
    » market body string true Currency pair

    # Detailed descriptions

    »» rule: Price trigger condition

    • =: triggered when market price larger than or equal to price field

    • <=: triggered when market price less than or equal to price field

    »» side: Order side

    • buy: buy side
    • sell: sell side

    »» account: Trading account type. `

    • normal: spot trading

    »» time_in_force: time_in_force

    • gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    • ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    »» rule >=
    »» rule <=
    »» side buy
    »» side sell
    »» account normal
    »» time_in_force gtc
    »» time_in_force ioc

    Example responses

    201 Response

      "id": 1432329


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created (opens new window) Order created Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 201


    Name Type Description
    » id integer(int64) Auto order ID


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve running auto order list

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/price_orders'
    query_param = 'status=open'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/price_orders

    Retrieve running auto order list


    Name In Type Required Description
    status query string true Only list the orders with this status
    market query string false Currency pair
    account query string false Trading account type.
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
    offset query integer false List offset, starting from 0

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    status open
    status finished
    account normal

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "trigger": {
          "price": "100",
          "rule": ">=",
          "expiration": 3600
        "put": {
          "type": "limit",
          "side": "buy",
          "price": "2.15",
          "amount": "2.00000000",
          "account": "normal",
          "time_in_force": "gtc"
        "id": 1283293,
        "user": 1234,
        "market": "GT_USDT",
        "ctime": 1616397800,
        "ftime": 1616397801,
        "fired_order_id": 0,
        "status": "",
        "reason": ""


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [SpotPriceTriggeredOrder]


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Cancel all open orders

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/price_orders'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('DELETE', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('DELETE', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    DELETE /spot/price_orders

    Cancel all open orders


    Name In Type Required Description
    market query string false Currency pair
    account query string false Trading account type.

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    account normal

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "trigger": {
          "price": "100",
          "rule": ">=",
          "expiration": 3600
        "put": {
          "type": "limit",
          "side": "buy",
          "price": "2.15",
          "amount": "2.00000000",
          "account": "normal",
          "time_in_force": "gtc"
        "id": 1283293,
        "user": 1234,
        "market": "GT_USDT",
        "ctime": 1616397800,
        "ftime": 1616397801,
        "fired_order_id": 0,
        "status": "",
        "reason": ""


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Batch cancellation request accepted. Query order status by listing orders [SpotPriceTriggeredOrder]


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Get a price-triggered order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/price_orders/string'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /spot/price_orders/{order_id}

    Get a price-triggered order


    Name In Type Required Description
    order_id path string true Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "trigger": {
        "price": "100",
        "rule": ">=",
        "expiration": 3600
      "put": {
        "type": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "2.15",
        "amount": "2.00000000",
        "account": "normal",
        "time_in_force": "gtc"
      "id": 1283293,
      "user": 1234,
      "market": "GT_USDT",
      "ctime": 1616397800,
      "ftime": 1616397801,
      "fired_order_id": 0,
      "status": "",
      "reason": ""


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Auto order detail SpotPriceTriggeredOrder


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # cancel a price-triggered order

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/spot/price_orders/string'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('DELETE', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('DELETE', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    DELETE /spot/price_orders/{order_id}

    cancel a price-triggered order


    Name In Type Required Description
    order_id path string true Retrieve the data of the order with the specified ID

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "trigger": {
        "price": "100",
        "rule": ">=",
        "expiration": 3600
      "put": {
        "type": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "2.15",
        "amount": "2.00000000",
        "account": "normal",
        "time_in_force": "gtc"
      "id": 1283293,
      "user": 1234,
      "market": "GT_USDT",
      "ctime": 1616397800,
      "ftime": 1616397801,
      "fired_order_id": 0,
      "status": "",
      "reason": ""


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Auto order detail SpotPriceTriggeredOrder


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Wallet


    # List chains supported for specified currency

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/currency_chains'
    query_param = 'currency=GT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/currency_chains

    List chains supported for specified currency


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string true Currency name

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "chain": "ETH",
        "name_cn": "以太坊ERC20",
        "name_en": "ETH/ERC20",
        "is_disabled": 0,
        "is_deposit_disabled": 0,
        "is_withdraw_disabled": 0


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » chain string Chain name
    » name_cn string Chain name in Chinese
    » name_en string Chain name in English
    » contract_address string Smart contract address for the currency; if no address is available, it will be an empty string
    » is_disabled integer If it is disabled. 0 means NOT being disabled
    » is_deposit_disabled integer Is deposit disabled. 0 means not
    » is_withdraw_disabled integer Is withdrawal disabled. 0 means not


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Generate currency deposit address

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/deposit_address'
    query_param = 'currency=USDT'
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/deposit_address

    Generate currency deposit address


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string true Currency name

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "currency": "USDT",
      "address": "LPXtk1kWHioP62SzfqwKbYE3Z7Wt2ujYEc",
      "multichain_addresses": [
          "chain": "TRX",
          "address": "LPXtk1kWHioP62SzfqwKbYE3Z7Wt2ujYEc",
          "payment_id": "",
          "payment_name": "",
          "obtain_failed": 0


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Address successfully generated Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency string Currency detail
    » address string Deposit address
    » multichain_addresses array none
    »» MultiChainAddressItem object none
    »»» chain string Name of the chain
    »»» address string Deposit address
    »»» payment_id string Notes that some currencies required(e.g., Tag, Memo) when depositing
    »»» payment_name string Note type, Tag or Memo
    »»» obtain_failed integer The obtain failed status- 0: address successfully obtained- 1: failed to obtain address


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve withdrawal records

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/withdrawals'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/withdrawals

    Retrieve withdrawal records

    Record time range cannot exceed 30 days


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string false Filter by currency. Return all currency records if not specified
    from query integer(int64) false Time range beginning, default to 7 days before current time
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
    offset query integer false List offset, starting from 0

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "210496",
        "timestamp": "1542000000",
        "withdraw_order_id": "order_123456",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1HkxtBAMrA3tP5ENnYY2CZortjZvFDH5Cs",
        "txid": "128988928203223323290",
        "amount": "222.61",
        "memo": "",
        "status": "DONE",
        "chain": "TRX"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » id string Record ID
    » txid string Hash record of the withdrawal
    » withdraw_order_id string Client order id, up to 32 length and can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)
    » timestamp string Operation time
    » amount string Currency amount
    » currency string Currency name
    » address string Withdrawal address. Required for withdrawals
    » memo string Additional remarks with regards to the withdrawal
    » status string Record status.

    - DONE: done
    - CANCEL: cancelled
    - REQUEST: requesting
    - MANUAL: pending manual approval
    - BCODE: GateCode operation
    - EXTPEND: pending confirm after sending
    - FAIL: pending confirm when fail
    - INVALID: invalid order
    - VERIFY: verifying
    - PROCES: processing
    - PEND: pending
    - DMOVE: required manual approval
    - SPLITPEND: the order is automatically split due to large amount
    » chain string Name of the chain used in withdrawals

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status DONE
    status CANCEL
    status REQUEST
    status MANUAL
    status BCODE
    status EXTPEND
    status FAIL
    status INVALID
    status VERIFY
    status PROCES
    status PEND
    status DMOVE
    status SPLITPEND


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve deposit records

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/deposits'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/deposits

    Retrieve deposit records

    Record time range cannot exceed 30 days


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string false Filter by currency. Return all currency records if not specified
    from query integer(int64) false Time range beginning, default to 7 days before current time
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
    offset query integer false List offset, starting from 0

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "id": "210496",
        "timestamp": "1542000000",
        "withdraw_order_id": "order_123456",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "address": "1HkxtBAMrA3tP5ENnYY2CZortjZvFDH5Cs",
        "txid": "128988928203223323290",
        "amount": "222.61",
        "memo": "",
        "status": "DONE",
        "chain": "TRX"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » id string Record ID
    » txid string Hash record of the withdrawal
    » withdraw_order_id string Client order id, up to 32 length and can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)
    » timestamp string Operation time
    » amount string Currency amount
    » currency string Currency name
    » address string Withdrawal address. Required for withdrawals
    » memo string Additional remarks with regards to the withdrawal
    » status string Record status.

    - DONE: done
    - CANCEL: cancelled
    - REQUEST: requesting
    - MANUAL: pending manual approval
    - BCODE: GateCode operation
    - EXTPEND: pending confirm after sending
    - FAIL: pending confirm when fail
    - INVALID: invalid order
    - VERIFY: verifying
    - PROCES: processing
    - PEND: pending
    - DMOVE: required manual approval
    - SPLITPEND: the order is automatically split due to large amount
    » chain string Name of the chain used in withdrawals

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status DONE
    status CANCEL
    status REQUEST
    status MANUAL
    status BCODE
    status EXTPEND
    status FAIL
    status INVALID
    status VERIFY
    status PROCES
    status PEND
    status DMOVE
    status SPLITPEND


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Transfer between main and sub accounts

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/sub_account_transfers'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /wallet/sub_account_transfers

    Transfer between main and sub accounts

    Support transferring with sub user's spot account. Note that only main user's spot account is used no matter which sub user's account is operated.

    Body parameter

      "currency": "BTC",
      "sub_account": "10002",
      "direction": "to",
      "amount": "1",
      "sub_account_type": "spot"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » currency body string true Transfer currency name
    » sub_account body string true Sub account user ID
    » direction body string true Transfer direction. to - transfer into sub account; from - transfer out from sub account
    » amount body string true Transfer amount
    » sub_account_type body string false Target sub user's account. spot - spot account

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    » direction to
    » direction from
    » sub_account_type spot


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Balance transferred None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve transfer records between main and sub accounts

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/sub_account_transfers'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/sub_account_transfers

    Retrieve transfer records between main and sub accounts

    Record time range cannot exceed 30 days

    Note: only records after 2020-04-10 can be retrieved


    Name In Type Required Description
    sub_uid query string false User ID of sub-account, you can query multiple records separated by ,. If not specified, it will return the records of all sub accounts
    from query integer(int64) false Time range beginning, default to 7 days before current time
    to query integer(int64) false Time range ending, default to current time
    limit query integer false Maximum number of records to be returned in a single list
    offset query integer false List offset, starting from 0

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "uid": "10001",
        "timest": "1592809000",
        "source": "web",
        "currency": "BTC",
        "sub_account": "10002",
        "direction": "to",
        "amount": "1",
        "sub_account_type": "spot"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » currency string Transfer currency name
    » sub_account string Sub account user ID
    » direction string Transfer direction. to - transfer into sub account; from - transfer out from sub account
    » amount string Transfer amount
    » uid string Main account user ID
    » timest string Transfer timestamp
    » source string Where the operation is initiated from
    » sub_account_type string Target sub user's account. spot - spot account

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    direction to
    direction from
    sub_account_type spot


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Sub-account transfers to sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/sub_account_to_sub_account'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /wallet/sub_account_to_sub_account

    Sub-account transfers to sub-account

    Body parameter

      "currency": "usdt",
      "sub_account_from": "10001",
      "sub_account_from_type": "spot",
      "sub_account_to": "10002",
      "sub_account_to_type": "spot",
      "amount": "1"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » currency body string true Transfer currency name
    » sub_account_type body string false Transfer from the account. (deprecate, use sub_account_from_type and sub_account_to_type instead)
    » sub_account_from body string true Transfer from the user id of the sub-account
    » sub_account_from_type body string true Transfer from the account. spot - spot account
    » sub_account_to body string true Transfer to the user id of the sub-account
    » sub_account_to_type body string true Transfer to the account. spot - spot account
    » amount body string true Transfer amount

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    » sub_account_from_type spot
    » sub_account_to_type spot


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Balance transferred None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve withdrawal status

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/withdraw_status'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/withdraw_status

    Retrieve withdrawal status


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string false Retrieve data of the specified currency

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency": "GT",
        "name": "GateToken",
        "name_cn": "GateToken",
        "deposit": "0",
        "withdraw_percent": "0%",
        "withdraw_fix": "0.01",
        "withdraw_day_limit": "20000",
        "withdraw_day_limit_remain": "20000",
        "withdraw_amount_mini": "0.11",
        "withdraw_eachtime_limit": "20000",
        "withdraw_fix_on_chains": {
          "BTC": "20",
          "ETH": "15",
          "TRX": "0",
          "EOS": "2.5"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency string Currency
    » name string Currency name
    » name_cn string Currency Chinese name
    » deposit string Deposits fee
    » withdraw_percent string Withdrawal fee rate percentage
    » withdraw_fix string Fixed withdrawal fee
    » withdraw_day_limit string Daily allowed withdrawal amount
    » withdraw_amount_mini string Minimum withdrawal amount
    » withdraw_day_limit_remain string Daily withdrawal amount left
    » withdraw_eachtime_limit string Maximum amount for each withdrawal
    » withdraw_fix_on_chains object Fixed withdrawal fee on multiple chains
    »» additionalProperties string none


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Retrieve sub account balances

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/sub_account_balances'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /wallet/sub_account_balances

    Retrieve sub account balances


    Name In Type Required Description
    sub_uid query string false User ID of sub-account, you can query multiple records separated by ,. If not specified, it will return the records of all sub accounts

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "uid": "10003",
        "available": {
          "BTC": "0.1",
          "GT": "2000",
          "USDT": "10"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » uid string User ID
    » available object Available balances of currencies
    »» additionalProperties string none


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Query saved address

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/saved_address'
    query_param = 'currency=USDT'
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url + "?" + query_param, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/wallet/saved_address?currency=USDT \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /wallet/saved_address

    Query saved address


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string true Currency
    chain query string false Chain name
    limit query string false Maximum number returned, 100 at most

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "currency": "usdt",
        "chain": "TRX",
        "address": "TWYirLzw2RARB2jfeFcfRPmeuU3rC7rakT",
        "name": "gate",
        "tag": "",
        "verified": "1"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » currency string Currency
    » chain string Chain name
    » address string Address
    » name string Name
    » tag string Tag
    » verified string Whether to pass the verification 0-unverified, 1-verified

    # Retrieve personal trading fee

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/fee'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/wallet/fee \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /wallet/fee

    Retrieve personal trading fee


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency_pair query string false Specify a currency pair to retrieve precise fee rate

    # Detailed descriptions

    currency_pair: Specify a currency pair to retrieve precise fee rate

    This field is optional. In most cases, the fee rate is identical among all currency pairs

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "user_id": 10001,
      "taker_fee": "0.002",
      "maker_fee": "0.002",
      "gt_discount": false,
      "gt_taker_fee": "0",
      "gt_maker_fee": "0",
      "loan_fee": "0.18",
      "point_type": "1"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successfully retrieved Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » user_id integer(int64) User ID
    » taker_fee string taker fee rate
    » maker_fee string maker fee rate
    » gt_discount boolean If GT deduction is enabled
    » gt_taker_fee string Taker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    » gt_maker_fee string Maker fee rate if using GT deduction. It will be 0 if GT deduction is disabled
    » point_type string Point type. 0 - Initial version. 1 - new version since 202009

    # Retrieve user's total balances

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/wallet/total_balance'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/wallet/total_balance \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /wallet/total_balance

    Retrieve user's total balances

    This endpoint returns an approximate sum of exchanged amount from all currencies to input currency for each account.The exchange rate and account balance could have been cached for at most 1 minute. It is not recommended to use its result for any trading calculation.

    For trading calculation, use the corresponding account query endpoint for each account type. For example:

    • GET /spot/accounts to query spot account balance


    Name In Type Required Description
    currency query string false Currency unit used to calculate the balance amount. BTC, CNY, USD and USDT are allowed. USDT is the default.

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "details": {
        "spot": {
          "currency": "USDT",
          "amount": "42264489969935775.5160259954878034182418"
      "total": {
        "currency": "USDT",
        "amount": "633967350312281193.068368815439797304437"


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Request is valid and is successfully responded Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    User's balance in all accounts

    Name Type Description
    » total object Total balances calculated with specified currency unit
    »» amount string Account total balance amount
    »» currency string Currency
    » details object Total amount of each account.
    - spot: spot account
    »» additionalProperties object Total balances calculated with specified currency unit
    »»» amount string Account total balance amount
    »»» currency string Currency

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    currency BTC
    currency CNY
    currency USD
    currency USDT
    currency BTC
    currency CNY
    currency USD
    currency USDT

    # SubAccount

    Sub-account management

    # Create a new sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /sub_accounts

    Create a new sub-account

    Body parameter

      "remark": "remark",
      "login_name": "sub_account_for_trades"


    Name In Type Required Description
    body body object true none
    » remark body string false custom text
    » login_name body string true Sub-account login name: Only letters, numbers and underscores are supported, and cannot contain other illegal characters
    » password body string false The sub-account's password. (Default: the same as main account's password)
    » email body string false The sub-account's email address. (Default: the same as main account's email address)
    » type body integer(int32) false Type: 1-Sub-account

    Example responses

    201 Response

      "remark": "remark",
      "login_name": "sub_account_for_trades",
      "user_id": 10001,
      "state": 1,
      "create_time": 168888888


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    201 Created (opens new window) Created Successfully Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 201

    Name Type Description
    » remark string custom text
    » login_name string Sub-account login name: Only letters, numbers and underscores are supported, and cannot contain other illegal characters
    » password string The sub-account's password. (Default: the same as main account's password)
    » email string The sub-account's email address. (Default: the same as main account's email address)
    » state integer(int32) State: 1-normal, 2-locked"
    » type integer(int32) Type: 1-Sub-account
    » user_id integer(int64) The user id of the sub-account
    » create_time integer(int64) Created time


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List sub-accounts

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /sub_accounts

    List sub-accounts

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "remark": "remark",
        "login_name": "sub_account_for_trades",
        "user_id": 10001,
        "state": 1,
        "create_time": 168888888


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [Inline]

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    None array none
    » remark string custom text
    » login_name string Sub-account login name: Only letters, numbers and underscores are supported, and cannot contain other illegal characters
    » password string The sub-account's password. (Default: the same as main account's password)
    » email string The sub-account's email address. (Default: the same as main account's email address)
    » state integer(int32) State: 1-normal, 2-locked"
    » type integer(int32) Type: 1-Sub-account
    » user_id integer(int64) The user id of the sub-account
    » create_time integer(int64) Created time


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Get the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}

    Get the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer(int64) true Sub-account user id

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "remark": "remark",
      "login_name": "sub_account_for_trades",
      "user_id": 10001,
      "state": 1,
      "create_time": 168888888


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successful Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » remark string custom text
    » login_name string Sub-account login name: Only letters, numbers and underscores are supported, and cannot contain other illegal characters
    » password string The sub-account's password. (Default: the same as main account's password)
    » email string The sub-account's email address. (Default: the same as main account's email address)
    » state integer(int32) State: 1-normal, 2-locked"
    » type integer(int32) Type: 1-Sub-account
    » user_id integer(int64) The user id of the sub-account
    » create_time integer(int64) Created time


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Create API Key of the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/keys'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys

    Create API Key of the sub-account

    Body parameter

      "name": "spot",
      "perms": [
          "name": "spot",
          "read_only": false
          "name": "wallet",
          "read_only": false
      "ip_whitelist": [


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer(int64) true Sub-account user id
    body body SubAccountKey true none
    » name body string false API key name
    » perms body array false none
    »» ApiV4KeyPerm body object false none
    »»» name body string false Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)
    »»» read_only body boolean false read only
    »» ip_whitelist body array false ip white list (list will be removed if no value is passed)

    # Detailed descriptions

    »»» name: Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)

    • wallet: wallet
    • spot: spot

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    »»» name wallet
    »»» name spot

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "state": 1,
      "name": "spot",
      "user_id": 100000,
      "perms": [
          "name": "spot",
          "read_only": false
          "name": "wallet",
          "read_only": false
      "ip_whitelist": [
      "secret": "cddcc6e5e78060e013860bdbe5e737830b96821c027664586fb38b411808f4fd",
      "key": "eb8815bf99d7bb5f8ad6497bdc4774a8",
      "created_at": 1663683330,
      "updated_at": 1663683330


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Created Successfully Inline

    Response Schema

    Status Code 200

    Name Type Description
    » user_id string User ID
    » name string API key name
    » perms array none
    »» ApiV4KeyPerm object none
    »»» name string Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)

    - wallet: wallet
    - spot: spot
    »»» read_only boolean read only
    »» ip_whitelist array ip white list (list will be removed if no value is passed)
    »» key string API Key
    »» state integer(int32) State 1 - normal 2 - locked 3 - frozen
    »» created_at string Creation time
    »» updated_at string Last update time

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    name wallet
    name spot


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # List all API Key of the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/keys'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('GET', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys

    List all API Key of the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer true Sub-account user id

    Example responses

    200 Response

        "state": 1,
        "name": "spot",
        "user_id": 1000000,
        "perms": [
            "name": "spot",
            "read_only": false
            "name": "wallet",
            "read_only": false
        "ip_whitelist": [
        "key": "75c3264105b74693d8cb5c7f1a8e2420",
        "created_at": 1663642892,
        "update_at": 1663642892


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) List retrieved [SubAccountKey]


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Update API key of the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/keys/string'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('PUT', prefix + url, query_param, body)
    r = requests.request('PUT', host + prefix + url, headers=headers, data=body)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url -d "$body_param" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    PUT /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key}

    Update API key of the sub-account

    Body parameter

      "name": "spot",
      "perms": [
          "name": "spot",
          "read_only": false
          "name": "wallet",
          "read_only": false
      "ip_whitelist": [


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer true Sub-account user id
    key path string true The API Key of the sub-account
    body body SubAccountKey true none
    » name body string false API key name
    » perms body array false none
    »» ApiV4KeyPerm body object false none
    »»» name body string false Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)
    »»» read_only body boolean false read only
    »» ip_whitelist body array false ip white list (list will be removed if no value is passed)

    # Detailed descriptions

    »»» name: Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)

    • wallet: wallet
    • spot: spot

    # Enumerated Values

    Parameter Value
    »»» name wallet
    »»» name spot


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Updated None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Delete API key of the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/keys/string'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('DELETE', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('DELETE', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    DELETE /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key}

    Delete API key of the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer true Sub-account user id
    key path string true The API Key of the sub-account


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Delete successfully None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Get the API Key of the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/keys/string'
    query_param = ''
    r = requests.request('GET', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    curl -X GET https://api.gateio.hk/api/v4/sub_accounts/0/keys/string \
      -H 'Accept: application/json'

    GET /sub_accounts/{user_id}/keys/{key}

    Get the API Key of the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer true Sub-account user id
    key path string true The API Key of the sub-account

    Example responses

    200 Response

      "state": 1,
      "name": "spot",
      "user_id": 1000000,
      "perms": [
          "name": "spot",
          "read_only": false
          "name": "wallet",
          "read_only": false
      "ip_whitelist": [
      "key": "75c3264105b74693d8cb5c7f1a8e2420",
      "created_at": 1663642892,
      "update_at": 1663642892


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    200 OK (opens new window) Successful SubAccountKey

    # Lock the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/lock'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/lock

    Lock the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer(int64) true The user id of the sub-account


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Lock successfully None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Unlock the sub-account

    Code samples

    # coding: utf-8
    import requests
    import time
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    host = "https://api.gateio.hk"
    prefix = "/api/v4"
    headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
    url = '/sub_accounts/0/unlock'
    query_param = ''
    # for `gen_sign` implementation, refer to section `Authentication` above
    sign_headers = gen_sign('POST', prefix + url, query_param)
    r = requests.request('POST', host + prefix + url, headers=headers)
    timestamp=$(date +%s)
    body_hash=$(printf "$body_param" | openssl sha512 | awk '{print $NF}')
    sign=$(printf "$sign_string" | openssl sha512 -hmac "$secret" | awk '{print $NF}')
    curl -X $method $full_url \
        -H "Timestamp: $timestamp" -H "KEY: $key" -H "SIGN: $sign"

    POST /sub_accounts/{user_id}/unlock

    Unlock the sub-account


    Name In Type Required Description
    user_id path integer(int64) true The user id of the sub-account


    Status Meaning Description Schema
    204 No Content (opens new window) Unlock successfully None


    To perform this operation, you must be authenticated by API key and secret

    # Schemas

    # SubAccountKey

      "user_id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "perms": [
          "name": "wallet",
          "read_only": true
      "ip_whitelist": [
      "key": "string",
      "state": 0,
      "created_at": "string",
      "updated_at": "string"

    # Properties

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    user_id string false read-only User ID
    name string false none API key name
    perms array false none none
    » ApiV4KeyPerm object false none none
    »» name string false none Permission name (all permissions will be removed if no value is passed)

    - wallet: wallet
    - spot: spot
    »» read_only boolean false none read only
    » ip_whitelist array false none ip white list (list will be removed if no value is passed)
    » key string false read-only API Key
    » state integer(int32) false read-only State 1 - normal 2 - locked 3 - frozen
    » created_at string false read-only Creation time
    » updated_at string false read-only Last update time

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    name wallet
    name spot

    # Order

      "id": "string",
      "text": "string",
      "amend_text": "string",
      "create_time": "string",
      "update_time": "string",
      "create_time_ms": 0,
      "update_time_ms": 0,
      "status": "open",
      "currency_pair": "string",
      "type": "limit",
      "account": "spot",
      "side": "buy",
      "amount": "string",
      "price": "string",
      "time_in_force": "gtc",
      "iceberg": "string",
      "auto_repay": true,
      "left": "string",
      "fill_price": "string",
      "filled_total": "string",
      "avg_deal_price": "string",
      "fee": "string",
      "fee_currency": "string",
      "point_fee": "string",
      "gt_fee": "string",
      "gt_maker_fee": "string",
      "gt_taker_fee": "string",
      "gt_discount": true,
      "rebated_fee": "string",
      "rebated_fee_currency": "string",
      "stp_id": 0,
      "stp_act": "cn",
      "finish_as": "open"

    Spot order details

    # Properties

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    id string false read-only Order ID
    text string false none User defined information. If not empty, must follow the rules below:

    1. prefixed with t-
    2. no longer than 28 bytes without t- prefix
    3. can only include 0-9, A-Z, a-z, underscore(_), hyphen(-) or dot(.)

    Besides user defined information, reserved contents are listed below, denoting how the order is created:

    - 101: from android
    - 102: from IOS
    - 103: from IPAD
    - 104: from webapp
    - 3: from web
    - 2: from apiv2
    - apiv4: from apiv4
    amend_text string false read-only The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order
    create_time string false read-only Creation time of order
    update_time string false read-only Last modification time of order
    create_time_ms integer(int64) false read-only Creation time of order (in milliseconds)
    update_time_ms integer(int64) false read-only Last modification time of order (in milliseconds)
    status string false read-only Order status

    - open: to be filled
    - closed: filled
    - cancelled: cancelled
    currency_pair string true none Currency pair
    type string false none Order Type

    - limit : Limit Order
    - market : Market Order
    account string false none Account type,spot - use spot account
    side string true none Order side
    amount string true none When type is limit, it refers to base currency. For instance, BTC_USDT means BTC
    When type is market, it refers to different currency according to side
    - side : buy means quote currency, BTC_USDT means USDT
    - side : sell means base currency,BTC_USDT means BTC
    price string false none Price can't be empty when type= limit
    time_in_force string false none Time in force

    - gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
    - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee
    - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none
    Only ioc and fok are supported when type=market
    iceberg string false none Amount to display for the iceberg order. Null or 0 for normal orders. Hiding all amount is not supported.
    auto_repay boolean false none Default is disabled.
    left string false read-only Amount left to fill
    fill_price string false read-only Total filled in quote currency. Deprecated in favor of filled_total
    filled_total string false read-only Total filled in quote currency
    avg_deal_price string false read-only Average fill price
    fee string false read-only Fee deducted
    fee_currency string false read-only Fee currency unit
    point_fee string false read-only Points used to deduct fee
    gt_fee string false read-only GT used to deduct fee
    gt_maker_fee string false read-only GT used to deduct maker fee
    gt_taker_fee string false read-only GT used to deduct taker fee
    gt_discount boolean false read-only Whether GT fee discount is used
    rebated_fee string false read-only Rebated fee
    rebated_fee_currency string false read-only Rebated fee currency unit
    stp_id integer false read-only Orders between users in the same stp_id group are not allowed to be self-traded

    1. If the stp_id of two orders being matched is non-zero and equal, they will not be executed. Instead, the corresponding strategy will be executed based on the stp_act of the taker.
    2. stp_id returns 0 by default for orders that have not been set for STP group
    stp_act string false none Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies

    1. After users join the STP Group, he can pass stp_act to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If stp_act is not passed, the default is cn strategy。
    2. When the user does not join the STP group, an error will be returned when passing the stp_act parameter。
    3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-'

    - cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones
    - co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones
    - cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled
    finish_as string false read-only How the order was finished.

    - open: processing
    - filled: filled totally
    - cancelled: manually cancelled
    - ioc: time in force is IOC, finish immediately
    - stp: cancelled because self trade prevention

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    status open
    status closed
    status cancelled
    type limit
    type market
    account spot
    side buy
    side sell
    time_in_force gtc
    time_in_force ioc
    time_in_force poc
    time_in_force fok
    stp_act cn
    stp_act co
    stp_act cb
    stp_act -
    finish_as open
    finish_as filled
    finish_as cancelled
    finish_as ioc
    finish_as stp

    # SpotPriceTriggeredOrder

      "trigger": {
        "price": "string",
        "rule": ">=",
        "expiration": 0
      "put": {
        "type": "limit",
        "side": "buy",
        "price": "string",
        "amount": "string",
        "account": "normal",
        "time_in_force": "gtc"
      "id": 0,
      "user": 0,
      "market": "string",
      "ctime": 0,
      "ftime": 0,
      "fired_order_id": 0,
      "status": "string",
      "reason": "string"

    Spot order detail

    # Properties

    Name Type Required Restrictions Description
    trigger object true none none
    » price string true none Trigger price
    » rule string true none Price trigger condition

    - >=: triggered when market price larger than or equal to price field
    - <=: triggered when market price less than or equal to price field
    » expiration integer true none How long (in seconds) to wait for the condition to be triggered before cancelling the order.
    put object true none none
    » type string false none Order type, default to limit
    » side string true none Order side
    - buy: buy side
    - sell: sell side
    » price string true none Order price
    » amount string true none Order amount
    » account string true none Trading account type. `
    - normal: spot trading
    » time_in_force string false none time_in_force

    - gtc: GoodTillCancelled
    - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
    id integer(int64) false read-only Auto order ID
    user integer false read-only User ID
    market string true none Currency pair
    ctime integer(int64) false read-only Creation time
    ftime integer(int64) false read-only Finished time
    fired_order_id integer(int64) false read-only ID of the newly created order on condition triggered
    status string false read-only Status
    - open: open
    - cancelled: being manually cancelled
    - finish: successfully executed
    - failed: failed to execute
    - expired - expired
    reason string false read-only Additional remarks on how the order was finished

    # Enumerated Values

    Property Value
    rule >=
    rule <=
    side buy
    side sell
    account normal
    time_in_force gtc
    time_in_force ioc